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32 items matching filters

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Post-Issuance Compliance Workshop

JOIN BLX AND ORRICK AT THE POST-ISSUANCE COMPLIANCE WORKSHOP A Comprehensive Overview of Post-Issuance Tax Law and SEC Secondary Market Disclosure for 501(c)(3) Organizations and State and Local Government Issuers Who Utilize Tax-Exempt Financing Virgin Hotels Nashville and Virtual - November 3-4, ...


U.S. State Law Compliance Training - It's Not Too Late to Get Started!

Are you prepared for the new United States (U.S.) privacy laws? Download the program materials or watch the training recording led by Orrick’s Cyber, Privacy & Data Innovation Group on the new state privacy laws in California, Virginia, Connecticut, Colorado and Utah.


ESG & Municipal Bonds: The State of the Market

This session will help participants identify eligible projects and gain an understanding of related requirements and best practices surrounding green, social, and sustainability bond issues.