Josh Rosenkranz Recognized as Law360 Appellate MVP for 5th Time


Congratulations to partner Josh Rosenkranz on being named a Law360 2022 Appellate MVP. This is the 5th time Law360 has recognized Josh as an MVP.

Josh, head of Orrick’s Supreme Court and Appellate practice, was one of four lawyers across the nation honored as an MVP in the appellate category. Over the past year, Josh has argued and won a number of high-profile cases, including an important copyright decision in the U.S. Supreme Court and overturning a $1 billion patent infringement judgment against Gilead subsidiary Kite Pharma in the Federal Circuit. He also scored appellate wins in New York and New Jersey reversing hundreds of millions of dollars in damages against Johnson & Johnson in talc litigation.

Law360 published this Q&A feature with Josh, who discussed his major wins during the year and his approach to mentoring young lawyers.