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NAST 2022 Legislative Conference

On Monday, March 14, partner Matthew Neuringer will be a panelist during the National Association of State Treasurers (NAST) 2022 Legislative Conference.


Hey! That's Personal! Your Complete Guide to DSAR Requests Roundtable

Conference Matthew Coleman, a member of Orrick’s Cyber, Privacy & Data Innovation Group, will be co-leading a panel on Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) during Legalweek’s annual conference. Many of the larger data privacy laws include a provision that provides individuals with the right to ...


Infocast Solar + Wind Finance & Investment Summit 2022

Orrick is proud to once again sponsor Infocast's 2022 Solar + Wind Finance & Investment Summit. Rohit Sachdev will be moderating a summit panel on Monday, March 7, titled, “State of the Storage Market & the Road Ahead.”


Stetson Law Review Symposium

Hank Asbill discussed white collar ethics issues, particularly those arising in internal investigations, such as who is the client, what is the role of counsel, and issues of confidentiality.


The 10th Annual BCLT Privacy Law Forum

Orrick partner Michelle Visser will be among the leaders offering insight and guidance at the Annual Privacy Law Forum, hosted by the Berkeley Center.