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785 items matching filters

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Renewables without Subsidies: The New Normal

Join Orrick and our panel of experts for a seminar in which we consider the opportunities and challenges facing developers, investors and lenders in a post-subsidy world.


Spring ELSA Symposium

Orrick will be hosting the upcoming Spring ELSA Symposium (European Life Settlement Association) in our London offices. The Symposium will aim to provide an update on key issues facing the European life settlement market following Brexit and the Trump presidency. Sessions will cover the likely ...


U.S. IP and Related Issues: Practical Guidance for Taiwanese Companies (美國智慧財產權及相關議題:台灣企業實務指南)

(中文版請見下方) Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe and the National Chiao Tung University School of Law invite in-house counsel and executives to attend this complimentary one-day seminar. Industry experts, including in-house counsel and IP litigators will discuss the latest trends and developments in U.S. ...


PLI's Understanding Employment Law

Employment partner Jill Rosenberg will be the chair of PLI’s Understanding Employment Law 2017. This program takes and in-depth look at Employment law and all its facets. An expert faculty will lead you through the major statuses, regulations and case law governing the employer/employee ...


The effect of intellectual property on medical 3D printing

Senior associate Christopher Higgins will be a speaker at the 3D Medical Applications Conference in Baltimore Maryland, on March 31. Chris will discuss the effect of intellectual property on medical 3D printing and his session will include: Overview of IP in 3D printing Unique legal ...