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Orrick Library Seminar Series: “How to Proceed with Hong Kong and International Arbitration”

日本語: 香港を仲裁地とする国際仲裁 - 執行、知的財産、雇用、第三者訴訟融資などに関する実務 How to Proceed with Hong Kong and International Arbitration - Practical Aspects Including Enforcement, Intellectual Property, Employment and Third Party Funding Orrick’s Tokyo Office Litigation Group is hosting a series of monthly “Orrick Library” ...


Compliance Due Diligence for Corporate Transactions

With intensified enforcement of requirements such as anticorruption and economic sanctions rules, investors and financing parties need protection based on effective due diligence regarding investment targets' and borrowers' compliance experience and record.  At the same time, there are practical ...


Gender Pay Equity at the Partner Level: Potential Risks and Opportunities for Law Firms

Employment partners Jill Rosenberg and Lauri Damrell will be participating in Legal Management Resources Roundtable. Jill and Lauri are presenting “Gender Pay Equity at the Partner Level: Potential Risks and Opportunities for Law firms” to leaders of other firms, ranging from small and mid-sized ...