Daniel R. Alonso, who has written and spoken extensively on anti-corruption efforts and conducting investigations in Latin America, moderated an interactive roundtable on these topics.
Warren Traiger, who has extensive and insights regarding the Community Reinvestment Act, discussed the CRA’s modernization efforts and how to best prepare for anticipated changes.
Daniel R. Alonso drew upon his extensive experience as a former federal prosecutor to discuss what FinCEN’s consideration of national supervision priorities could mean for BSA exams.
Daniel R. Alonso discussed how criminal procedure issues differ, how charging decisions are made, the process by which cases are tried, and plea bargaining and sentencing issues across the various jurisdictions.
On August 31, 2021, Orrick and the Cyrus R. Vance Center hosted a webinar on the multilateral development bank (MDB) sanctions and investigations, which focused on the World Bank and African Development Bank processes.
Warren Traiger and Tyler Sines brought their extensive experience in CRA developments to discuss the current state of CRA modernization.