A Juneteenth Conversation with Dr. Henry Louis Gates


To celebrate Juneteenth, the Black Lawyers of Orrick hosted a conversation with Dr. Henry Louis Gates, renowned Harvard scholar and the host of the PBS series “Finding Your Roots.”

Kelly Newsome, Tierra Piens and Eugene Clark-Herrera hosted the conversation with Dr. Gates that touched on everything from Reconstruction, voting rights and the Black church to the role of allies and mentorship in today’s professional culture.

We are incredibly grateful to Dr. Gates and everyone who joined this conversation – the third in our 2021 series on Inclusion.

We hope you enjoy it too.


CLE INFORMATION: This course is eligible for New York and California CLE credit. Please complete and retain the applicable form for your records. The New York self-study affirmation must also be emailed to Melissa Woods (mwoods@orrick.com) and Jane Gracey (jgracey@orrick.com). The California self-study form does not need to be emailed to Melissa Woods and Jane Gracey.

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP is an accredited MCLE provider in the State of New York. This transitional and non-transitional continuing legal education course has been approved in accordance with the requirements of the Continuing Legal Education Board for a maximum of .5 credit hours, of which .5 credit hours can be applied toward the areas of diversity requirement.

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP is an accredited MCLE provider in the State of California. This continuing legal education course has been approved in accordance with the requirements of the State Bar of California for a maximum of .75 credit hour, of which .75 credit hour can be applied to the elimination of bias requirement.