10 minute read | February.18.2025
Earlier this year, the New York legislature passed the New York Health Information Privacy Act (New York HIPA), establishing strict requirements for handling health data. The legislation shares similarities with Washington’s My Health My Data Act (WA MHMD) and Nevada’s SB 370 (NV MHMD) but also presents unique challenges for companies in the health and wellness sector, especially regarding uses of “regulated health information” beyond certain strictly necessary purposes and requirements for service providers. While the Governor has not yet signed the Act and may even introduce changes to it, it is not too soon for regulated entities to become familiar with it and begin planning for the changes it will certainly require.
Here are six key things you need to know about New York HIPA:
New York HIPA applies to regulated entities, which are defined as any entity that:
This extremely broad definition includes the processing of data of an individual who is merely a visitor to New York if the processing occurs while the individual is physically located there.
There are also few entity level exemptions. While governmental entities are exempt, nonprofits and small businesses are not. Additionally, there are no entity level exemptions for business associates governed by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or entities governed by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Interestingly, a covered entity (but not business associate) subject to HIPAA may be exempt on an entity level to the extent the covered entity maintains “patient information” in the same manner as PHI. The statute suggests that the Attorney General will promulgate regulations, and this HIPAA-covered entity exemption would benefit from additional explanation.
The law applies to “regulated health information”, which includes any information that is reasonably linkable to an individual, or a device, and is collected or processed in connection with the physical or mental health of an individual. It also includes location or payment information, if it relates to an individual’s physical or mental health, or any inference about their physical or mental health that is reasonably linkable to an individual, or a device. De-identified information is excluded from the definition.
Similar to WA MHMD, this broad definition means companies that do not traditionally consider themselves to be part of the healthcare sector may need to comply with the law, including wellness companies, advertisers, wearable device providers and nutrition companies.
There are fewer data level exemptions compared to WA MHMD and NV MHMD such as, no exemption for public data, research data, and data governed by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.
Notably, though, there is a data level exemption for certain clinical trial information and PHI collected by a covered entity or business associate subject to HIPAA.
Maintain a clear and conspicuous privacy notice
Like WA MHMD and NV MHMD, NY HIPA requires regulated entities to publish a clear and conspicuous notice that describes processing activities, including the types of data to be processed, the nature of the processing, the purpose, the service providers (or categories of service providers) and the mechanism by which individual rights can be exercised.
Lawful basis for collection and processing
It is unlawful for regulated entities to process an individual’s regulated health information, unless:
A special note regarding sales: As drafted, the law is not clear as to whether “sales” of protected health information (which excludes M&A, bankruptcy, and other business transactions) are prohibited, or whether provisions permitting processing with authorization and/or on the basis of strict necessity apply to sales as well. Further Attorney General guidance on this point would be welcome.
Consumer requests
Regulated entities must have easy-to-use mechanisms for individuals to submit privacy rights requests, which must be addressed within 30 days of receipt. Individuals have the right to request access to their regulated health information and its deletion. Notably, entities must treat a request to delete or cancel an online account as a request to delete the regulated health information. Consumers may exercise privacy requests via an authorized agent.
Regulated entities must notify service providers and third parties of a request to delete unless such communication proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort and is documented as such in writing by the regulated entity. Service providers and third-party entities must delete all regulated health information associated with the individual in its possession or control within 30 days of receipt of notice from the regulated entity, except as necessary to comply with its legal obligations.
Security measures
Regulated entities must develop, implement and maintain reasonable administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of regulated health information. It must also securely dispose of regulated health information under a publicly available retention schedule within a reasonable time (no later than 60 days after the conclusion of the specified processing activities). Unfortunately, there is no guidance provided on how regulated entities should verify individuals’ rights requests within the 30-day period for responding while also implementing measures to prevent fraudulent requests. The New York Office of the Attorney General (OAG) released guidance in 2023 to help businesses adopt effective security measures, which likely reflects the minimum security measures the OAG expects of companies under New York HIPA.
Contracts with service providers
Processing of regulated health information by service providers must be pursuant to a written, binding agreement, which sets forth the nature, purpose and duration of the processing, and the obligations of the parties. These include complying with the requirements of New York HIPA, limiting processing to only what is necessary to comply with the obligations to the regulated entity, not combining the regulated health information with any personal information obtained from other sources, complying with individual rights requests and complying with reasonable assessments by the regulated entity.
The Attorney General will enforce the law by initiating actions or special proceedings, seeking restitution, disgorgement, civil penalties up to $15,000 per violation or 20% of revenue obtained from New York consumers within the previous fiscal year, and any other relief deemed proper.
New York HIPA will take effect one year after it is signed into law. The Attorney General can also make rules and regulations that are considered necessary to effectuate and enforce the law, so further guidance may be forthcoming.
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