Tahiya Sultan

Of Counsel

San Francisco

Tahiya works with clients at the frontier of renewable energy innovation, advising them on navigating regulations levied by California regulatory bodies and in complex bilateral negotiations to bring their projects to fruition.

She has extensive experience working on regulatory compliance at the state level, advising on energy purchase and storage, resource adequacy, central procurement, renewables portfolio standard, integrated resource planning, reliability, distributed energy resources, energy efficiency, microgrid commercialization and offshore wind development.

She represents developers, power producers, community choice aggregators and utilities in bilateral negotiations for the purchase and sale of energy resources, including solar, wind and geothermal resources.

  • Resource Adequacy Contracting

    • California’s largest independent power producer in the structuring, negotiation, and sale of resource adequacy capacity (RA) from natural gas, geothermal, solar, and energy storage resources.
    • Renewable developers in bidding, negotiation, and sale of RA to California load serving entities, including import and pseudo-tie resources.
    • Arizona utility in purchase and aggregation of thousands of residential solar + storage devices to be operated as a centralized demand response resource.
    • Investors and other market participants in establishing CAISO wholesale market participation and preparation of enabling agreements (WSPP, EEI, ISDA).

    Power Purchase Agreements

    • Independent power producer in sale of bundled energy and capacity from a wide range of existing and new-build resources, including combined-cycle gas units, solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, and energy storage resources to utilities and corporate offtakers.
    • Corporate and utility buyers in the purchase of renewable energy and capacity, including through PPAs, “virtual” PPAs, and hedging transactions as well as purchase and sale agreements to acquire utility ownership of the resources.

    Project Development and M&A

    • Independent power producers in the sale of both new and existing renewable projects, including through company sales, asset sales, joint ventures, and tax equity partnerships.
    • Developers and investors in the acquisition of project assets, sites, and interconnection queue positions.

    Offshore Wind

    • Leading California offshore wind industry trade group in understanding regulatory complexities posed by California’s shifting energy framework and advocacy in energy regulatory proceedings related to procurement planning and resource adequacy.
    • Major investor in a winning bidder of the Bureau of Ocean Management Pacific Lease Sale in conducting due diligence and assessing CAISO interconnection processes and federal and state legal and policy requirements applicable to offshore wind development.

    CPUC Policy and Certificate Proceedings

    • Independent power producers in California energy regulatory proceedings involving integrated resource planning, resource adequacy, energy storage, and distributed energy resources.
    • Investors in the purchase and sale of regulated utility assets that require regulatory pre-approval, including energy facilities, natural gas storage facilities, water companies, and transmission assets.