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Treasury Releases Final Tech-Neutral Tax Credit Regulations

The U.S. Department of the Treasury continues to burn the midnight oil, issuing final regulations on January 7 concerning the tech-neutral credits under Sections 45Y and 48E of the Code. Join John, Wolf and Mark, senior tax members of Orrick’s Energy & Infrastructure practice, for an insightful ...


Maximizing TIFIA TOD: Financing Housing Developments with Federal Funding

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s effort to boost affordable housing has faced hurdles. Despite the potential of programs such as the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) loan program to build major infrastructure and affordable housing, high costs and certain ...


Nuts and Bolts of Corporate Bankruptcy 2024

On December 16-17, Evan Hollander and Lorraine McGowen will speak at a PLI program entitled "Nuts and Bolts of Corporate Bankruptcy 2024."


25th Annual Berkeley-Stanford Advanced Patent Law Institute

Orrick Intellectual Property Partners, Will Melehani and Gargi Talukdar, spoke at the 25th Annual Berkeley-Stanford Advanced Patent Law Institute at Stanford University on December 5-6, 2024.