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Comparative analysis of English and Texan oil and gas law

Peter Roberts co-presented with Ashley Nguyen of BHP Petroleum on a comparative analysis of English and Texan oil and gas law at the Young Energy Professionals Conference sponsored by the Center for American and International Law in New Orleans. The three day event was attended by lawyers from ...


Total Access Japan: Managing your Board and Investors

(英語は日本語の後に続きます) Join us for a presentation and discussion on March 30 at 6:00 pm at our Tokyo office, as Joseph Perkins, a visiting Partner in our Technology Companies Group from Silicon Valley, guides us through answers to questions relating to managing your board and investors.


SAS Forum on NPE Litigation 2018

Supreme Court and Appellate partner Mark Davies will be speaking on the topic of PTAB and the Courts at the SAS Forum on NPE Litigation taking place on March 22, 2018.


2018 NYU Social Innovation Symposium

Orrick is proud to sponsor and participate in the 2018 NYU Social Innovation Symposium on February 23, 2018.


Northern California's 17th Annual Bankruptcy Conference

Orrick senior counsel Marc Levinson will be speaking at Northern California's 17th Annual Bankruptcy Conference, being held February 22-23, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento. The event is sponsored by the Sacramento Valley Bankruptcy Forum. Marc will be discussing Chapter 11 issues.