How Non-U.S. Companies with U.S. Subs Can Win Dismissals from U.S. Litigation

Underused Defenses Based on Extraterritoriality and Personal Jurisdiction

Webinar | April.18.2019 | 12pm - 1pm (Eastern Daylight Time)

Webinar - Recording Available

Non-U.S. companies are routinely sued in the U.S. over disputes principally or exclusively involving their U.S. subsidiaries. In many instances, these non-U.S. companies should not even have their cases litigated in U.S. courts, and this webinar will explore strategies and arguments by which they can seek dismissal at the outset of a case. We will address three principal subjects:

  • Limits on the geographic applicability of U.S. IP, securities, antitrust, RICO, anti-corruption and sanctions laws to conduct occurring in other countries
  • Limits on the ability of a U.S. court to assert "personal jurisdiction" over non-U.S. defendants
  • Risk minimization steps

All three topics will be addressed from the unique standpoint of non-U.S. companies that must separate themselves from the conduct of their subsidiaries.

Our presentation will be delivered by Robert Reznick, who is resident in Orrick's Washington, D.C. office and who for six years has been Managing Editor of The World in U.S. Courts: Orrick's Quarterly Review of Decisions Applying U.S. Law to Global Business and Cross-Border Activities.

California MCLE Credit – Those requesting California credit should complete the California self-study form and retain for your records. You do not need to submit the form. 

New York MCLE Credit – Those requesting New York credit should complete the 
New York self-study form and send it to Melissa Woods at The attendance verification code spoken during the program should be written in the space provided on the form.

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