Mo' Data Mo' Problems: Antitrust Risks and Big Data

The Bar Association of San Francisco

Speaking Engagement | October.08.2019 | 5:30pm - 7:15pm (Pacific Daylight Time)

Orrick San Francisco

Orrick’s San Francisco office will be hosting The Bar Association of San Francisco (“BASF”)’s presentation, Mo' Data Mo' Problems: Antitrust Risks and Big Data, on Tuesday, October 8th. San Francisco Of Counsel Howard Ullman will moderate the panel, which will feature Sangeetha Raghunathan, General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer at Earnin, Inc., Bharati Mandapati, Vice President of Antitrust & Competition Economics Practice at Charles River Associates, and Katrina Rouse (pending), Assistant Chief of the San Francisco Office of the DOJ Antitrust Division.

This panel will explore the antitrust concerns implicated as technology companies collect and use large amounts of user data. Among topics to be discussed include:

  • What are the issues that link big data and antitrust? Is amassing big data itself an antitrust concern?
  • How are the authorities across the globe approaching big data?
  • Is there a need for more regulation? Should the issue be left to consumer protection laws?
  • Are there efficiencies that counteract potential negative antitrust concerns about big data?
  • How should merger review take into account big data pools?

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