2023 MTRA Annual Conference and Regulator Schools

| September.13.2023

Hilton Portland Downtown

Jedd Bellman, Keisha Whitehall Wolfe, and Samantha Goldberg-Seder will serve as panelists at the 2023 Money Transmitter Regulators Association Annual School & Conference in an interactive session, “Would you Rather…Portland Edition” on September 13. The session will explore the challenges and tricky decision making involved in the setup and maintenance of a compliant business model, asking such questions as:

  • Would you rather risk an enforcement action or apply for licenses?
  • Would you rather have complete adoption of the Money Transmission Modernization Act or selective adoption?

Jedd Bellman will also be providing an update at the conference on September 12 on the Money Transmission Modernization Act, covering the basics of what the Act is, how it came into being, implementation pain points, and what enactment will look like.
