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Total Access Japan: New Year’s Event

For this networking event, we are offering the unique opportunity to meet others and to present or listen to pitches/presentations by exciting companies. Joseph Perkins, partner in our Silicon Valley office, will also briefly discuss the “State of VC in Silicon Valley”.


Orrick Library Seminar - Latest Developments in SEP Litigation in China

This session will introduce the development of patent infringement litigations involving standard essential patents (SEPs) in China, using some important and recent cases as examples. Yufeng (Ethan) Ma, partner in Orrick's Shanghai Office, will be presenting live from Tokyo.


Total Access Japan: Crypto-Assets and Market Trends

In this session, we would like to welcome our guest speakers Ben Spitz and Rei Tanaka, who head the legal and compliance teams of our client Liquid Group (Quoine), to get their insights about regulatory developments and market trends.