Josh Rosenkranz Named a Legal Innovator By Financial Times


Financial Times named Orrick's Josh Rosenkranz one of the ten most innovative individuals in the North American legal sector in its North America Innovative Lawyers report, published on December 4. FT also awarded Orrick first place for our win in Oracle v. Google as most innovative litigation strategy of 2014. Josh led Orrick's team which also included San Francisco Intellectual Property partner Annette Hurst, D.C. Appellate & Supreme Court partner Mark Davies, and Silicon Valley IP partner Gabe Ramsey.

FT credited Josh with bringing a "touch of magic" to his appellate arguments, which helped Orrick client Oracle win a precedent-setting ruling in the closely watched copyright litigation. FT noted that Josh "demystified the technical issues" by using an extended metaphor that "helped the federal circuit court understand the value of a particular piece of code."

Commenting on Josh's individual contributions to the legal sector, FT noted that he is "known as the defibrillator for his ability to revive lawsuits on appeal." Josh was also credited for being a "keen public policy advocate, looking for ways to shake up legislation, government agencies, the White House and the press."

Josh is the head of Orrick's Supreme Court and Appellate Practice. In a recent feature, National Law Journal credited Josh with swiftly growing a busy and influential Supreme Court practice at Orrick along with partners Mark Davies, Robert Loeb, Eric Shumsky and Kelsi Corkran.

Josh and the Orrick litigation team were also commended for innovative wins for DISH Network in multijurisdictional litigation against the major broadcast networks over Dish's adskipping technology. In addition FT recognized Orrick teams for executing an innovative real estate deal for Hackman Capital, for public policy work that helps clients avoid litigation and for contributions to the field of impact finance.