Meghan Kelly


New York

Los Angeles

Meghan Rohling Kelly, Co-Leader of Orrick’s Complex Litigation and Dispute Resolution practice, is a trial lawyer and litigation partner who tries cases across the country. Clients hold Meghan in high regard, telling Chambers, “Meghan is a fighter and a scholar. She is brilliant, hard-working, a tireless advocate and a terrific mentor.” Another client lauds, “She is a fantastic trial lawyer, a great trial team lead and is incredibly smart and focused on the results.” That praise is echoed by sources saying, “Meghan has a reputation for being a great communicator and tactician.”

Meghan approaches each representation with a problem-solving mentality and comprehensive legal strategy. In an industry where many cases are settled, she has established an impressive record at trial including for chemical, pharmaceutical, automotive, biotechnology, manufacturing and food companies in their most important cases. Drawing on her winning track record in front of juries, Meghan strategically prepares clients’ cases from the beginning to put them in the best position to achieve a favorable outcome.

    • Lead trial counsel in a three-week jury trial involving innovative medical technology in which plaintiff was seeking more than $50 million in damages. The case settled on favorable terms on the eve of closing arguments.
    • Lead trial counsel in a nine day jury trial involving a medical device that resulted in a complete defense verdict.
    • Lead trial counsel in a two-week jury trial involving pelvic mesh that resulted in a complete defense verdict.
    • Co-lead trial counsel in a bench trial challenging the constitutionality of state abortion restrictions.
    • Lead trial counsel for a social media company in litigation related to allegedly fraudulent advertising practices.
    • Trial counsel for a technology company in a two-week jury trial in Los Angeles. Plaintiff sought more than $40 million in damages in a breach of contract action arising from a patent licensing agreement. The jury awarded a fraction of plaintiff’s requested damages but awarded more in damages than the technology company sought for its counterclaims.
    • Trial counsel for a major pharmaceutical company in state and federal cases arising out of its sale of prescription opioids.
    • Trial counsel for global personal care company in litigation alleging trade secret misappropriation and other claims.   
    • Trial counsel for a chemical corporation in a one-month jury trial in New York. Plaintiffs alleged that exposure to products containing the company’s product caused the death of a 42-year-old mother of three young children and sought more than $20 million in damages. The jury returned a complete defense verdict.
    • Trial counsel for a chemical company in a six-week products liability jury trial in New York City. The plaintiff sought more than $17 million in damages. The jury returned a full defense verdict.
    • Trial counsel for chemical company in a two-month jury trial in Oakland, California. The plaintiffs sought in excess of $100 million, claiming that the alleged exposure to client’s asbestos caused plaintiff’s pericardial mesothelioma. The jury returned a full defense verdict.
    • Trial counsel for a chemical company in a three-week jury trial in which plaintiffs alleged that exposure to client’s product caused their father to develop a fatal form of cancer. The jury returned a defense verdict.
    • Defended an investment banking company against environmental claims related to emissions from a California waste treatment facility owned and operated by its portfolio company. The case was brought by hundreds of plaintiffs in San Bernardino, California.
    • Represented a major university in dozens of lawsuits in which current and former students allege they were sexually assaulted and harassed by a former student health center physician.
    • Represented a medical device manufacturer in thousands of product liability cases in a multidistrict litigation and consolidated state court proceedings.
    • Trial counsel for a hedge fund and biopharmaceutical company in a breach of contract action in which plaintiff was seeking an ownership interest in a start-up company.