Orrick Japanese Workshop Series: “Anti-Bribery and Whistleblowing in the Private Sector”

Seminar | February.16.2017 | 4pm - 5pm ()

Orrick Düsseldorf Office

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP's Düsseldorf Office has been hosting the "Orrick Japanese Workshop" series, which is designed to support global Japanese companies in Germany. Each session of the Orrick Japanese Workshop series aims to provide insights and practical tips regarding topical legal issues in areas such as antitrust and competition, data privacy, compliance, IP, employment, corporate/M&A, dispute resolution, etc.

This month's workshop will be on potential anti-bribery risks and how a company in Germany should manage such risks, in particular, how whistleblowing systems can help. The German criminal code was recently amended to expand the scope of criminalizing the taking and offering of bribes in the private sector. It may be a criminal offence for employees or agents of private companies to accept or demand benefits in business transactions if, by doing so, they "violate their duties towards the company". We will describe how the German anti-bribery rules are different in comparison to the Japanese law to make the session more effective for our Japanese audience. We will also discuss how a company can manage anti-bribery risks with the help of an effective compliance system, and in this context we will focus on whistleblowing hotlines.

There will be time set aside for questions and answers.

Date: February 16, 2017 (Thursday) 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm (Registration 3:45 pm)
Place: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, Düsseldorf Office (Map)
Speaker: Dr. Till Steinvorth and Christian Schröder, Partners of Orrick Düsseldorf Office
Language: English (with Japanese translation support where necessary)
Fee: No charge
Registration deadline: February 13, 2017 (Monday)
