Seminar | September.20.2018 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm (Tokyo Standard Time)
Orrick Tokyo Office日本語: Total Access Japan:日本における働き方改革法とその新たな課題
Orrick's Total Access Japan Event Series provides entrepreneurs business, tactical, and legal education through complimentary panels and seminars and networking events. The next event will take place on Thursday, September 20 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
In Japan, labor laws reforms have remained minor throughout the years. As a consequence, low productivity, depressed wages, karoshi (death by overwork) from long working hours and power harassment, overtime work, and increasing popularity of using contingent workers (employees paid on an hourly basis, contract employees and dispatched workers) as adjustable and disposable work forces, have become deeply embedded.
To address some of the above issues, on June 29 2018, Japan passed a legislation commonly referred to as the “Work Style Reform” (hatarakikata kaikaku hou), which has been marked as one of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s keystone legislations. The law principally addresses issues related to work hours and to the disparity in treatment between regular and non-regular employees.
While the global trend is to shift to performance based compensation, this law implements stricter work hour management, becoming a challenge for companies that desire to increase productivity. This presentation will give an introduction to the new law and cover some tips for companies to prepare for the changes.
Drinks and light snacks will be provided and there will be time set aside for questions and answers.
Speaker: Yumiko Ohta, Partner, Tokyo Office
Date & Time: Thursday, September 20 from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Orrick Tokyo Offices (Map)
Language: English and/or Japanese (no simultaneous interpretation)
Fee: Free of charge
Registration: RSVP by September 18 (Tuesday)
For questions, please contact Aya Mori.