Legal Notice – Italy

May 2024

In Italy we practice law as branch of ORRICK, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE (EUROPE) LLP., a limited liability partnership registered in the Registrar of Companies for England and Wales under the number OC347118 and registered Office at 107 Cheapside – London EC2V 6DN (United Kingdom) – VAT Number GB10359896.

The Italian branch is registered in the Milan Register of Companies under the number 2053639 and in the Rome Register of Companies under the number 1429063. Tax identification/VAT Number 08857660966

Insurance coverage (art. 12 law n.247/2012) granted by Marsh Risk & Insurance Services (policy n.011815887) and Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (policy n.30.156091).

The main applicable provisions to the practice of law are:

  • Law on legal profession (Legge Professionale Forense) December 31, 2012, n.247

  • Legislative Decree on personal data protection (Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali) June 30, 2003, n. 196

  • Legislative Decree implementing the “E-Commerce Directive” 2000/31/EC (Attuazione della direttiva 2000/31/CE relativa a taluni aspetti giuridici dei servizi della società dell’informazione, in particolare il commercio elettronico, nel mercato interno) April 9, 2003, n.70

  • Anti‑laundering legislation applicable to lawyers according to the Decree of the Ministry of Economy February 3, 2006

  • Implementation of the “Third European Money Laundering Directive” with reference to professional activities according to Legislative Decree November 21, 2007

  • Professional Code of Conduct 2016 (Codice Deontologico Forense 2016). It can be found at

  • Charter of core principles of the European  legal profession and Code of Conduct for European Lawyers 2013

In addition:

  • In the Italian Offices, lawyers are present from other jurisdictions who are members of foreign Bars.  The rules of their jurisdiction also apply to these lawyers.  For solicitors, please refer to

  • In the Italian offices, the title of ‘partner’ means a member of the firm with qualifications in their practice area. This includes chartered accountants (‘Dottori Commercialisti’) who are members of the Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili. The rules of a specific Professional Code of Conduct (Codice Deontologico dei dottori commercialist ed esperi contabili) also apply to these professionals. It can be found at

All the lawyers admitted to the Bar are registered with the applicable local Bar Association (Ordine degli Avvocati). References can be found at (for Milan) and (for Rome). All Tax Advisors are registered with the applicable local Chartered Accountants Association (Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili). References can be found at (for Milan) and (for Rome).

Information about Italian Offices and professionals can be found in the Portal under “Offices,” and a list of services is provided under “Practices.”