P3 Infrastructure Assessment Grants: New DOT Grants to Help State and Local Governments Study P3 Possibilities
3 minute read | March.14.2024
Christine Reynolds is a partner in the Public Finance Department. She has broad experience as bond counsel, disclosure counsel, underwriter’s counsel and borrower’s counsel across a wide range of public finance sectors.
Christine has more than two decades of experience in public infrastructure finance, advising on both traditional bond financings and innovative funding structures. She serves as a Vice-Chair of the Public Finance Group and on the leadership team for the Impact Finance Group.
Christine’s experience includes various general obligation and revenue bond financings, including those relating to transportation, education, healthcare, water and wastewater, economic development, urban renewal, public power and other complex and innovative social and infrastructure financings sometimes involving public-private partnerships (P3) for large transportation and utility issuers, state and local municipalities, and other for-profit and nonprofit corporations.
She has extensive knowledge and experience with disclosure requirements for municipal issuers under federal securities laws, including both initial and continuing disclosure issues, material events disclosure, public offerings, private placements and other municipal securities regulatory matters.
Christine is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars given by trade and professional organizations within the municipal finance industry, including serving as Chair for The Bond Buyer's 2022 Infrastructure Conference and Board of Directors to Women in Public Finance.
Christine's representative engagements include:
3 minute read | March.14.2024
October.18.2023 - October.20.2023
2 minute read | September.09.2024