Past Event - Video Available | October.29.2015 | 9pm - 11pm (Tokyo Standard Time)
TokyoInvestors and other market players share their experience of how they navigated cross-border business, legal and cultural hurdles. From joint ventures, acquisitions, financing and developments to concrete opportunities in the U.S. primary and secondary markets, this seminar covers key strategies for a variety of investment approaches.
Hideyuki Sato of Tokyu Land Corporation discusses Tokyu's U.S. operations and their significant investment in the prestigious 425 Park Avenue project in New York City. Other speakers include Ari Druker of JLL, who shares insights on the U.S. markets and thoughts on current opportunities, as well as Michael Haworth and Dennis Martin of Orrick, who together have more than 35 years of experience advising clients on cross-border real estate investments in Japan and the United States.