Seminar | July.04.2018 | 9:00am - 10:30am (Tokyo Standard Time)
Orrick Tokyo Office オリック東京オフィスDetails for this event are available in Japanese:
Orrick Library Seminar Series: クロスボーダーM&Aにおけるコンプライアンス ・デューデリジェンスとその課題
CLE Credits Available: Y
He also has extensive experience in fund formation, real estate and various types of finance transactions.
Hiroki has a deep understanding of clients’ needs from his secondment experience with a U.S. investment bank in 2005 and a Japanese major trading house from 2012 to 2014.
Prior to joining Orrick, Hiroki worked at O’Melveny’s Tokyo office as a counsel where he mainly worked on cross border M&A.