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226 items matching filters

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Storage East

Orrick Partner Rohit Sachdev is proud to Chair the inaugural Storage East summit put on by Infocast on October 16-17th in Washington, D.C.


Webinar: The New Boom in Solar + Battery Storage: Things are heating up!

Increased renewables penetration, declining capital costs, progressive state mandates and other trends have contributed to the boom in battery storage in recent years. Today, utilities and other offtakers around the country are actively procuring battery storage, and are especially interested in ...


Orrick Sponsors CryptoMondays San Francisco

On Monday, September 10, 2018, Orrick San Francisco hosted another CryptoMondays meet up, this time focused on security tokens, regulations and international jurisdictions.


24th Annual Stanford Directors' College

Directors' College is the nation's premier executive education program for directors and senior executives of publicly traded firms. At Directors' College, you will engage with leading CEOs, directors, regulators, jurists, and scholars on a rigorous and balanced examination of a broad range of ...


Alisal Forum Luncheon

MCLE: Artificial Intelligence: What is it? What can it do for you? And, should we, as lawyers, embrace Data or fear the Borg?


Venture Capital 2018: Nuts and Bolts

Partner Gregory Heibel will be a panelist in the PLI program "Venture Capital 2018: Nuts and Bolts" on Thursday, May 31 at 9:00 a.m.