Post-Issuance Tax Compliance and Continuing Disclosure Responsibilities for Issuers and Borrowers of Tax-Exempt Bonds (Second Edition)


Orrick is pleased to announce the second edition of our publication of "Post-Issuance Tax Compliance and Continuing Disclosure Responsibilities for Issuers and Borrowers of Tax-Exempt Bonds". It is intended to assist treasurers, finance directors, comptrollers, controllers and other responsible officials of state and local government issuers of tax-exempt bonds and representatives of private, nongovernmental conduit borrowers (such as nonprofit institutions providing health care and higher education) that are allowed to borrow at tax-exempt rates from issuers.

If you have any questions or if you would like additional copies, please contact us at, or feel free to contact any of the attorneys listed in the contacts section of the book.

To download a PDF, please click here.