Energy Transition in Europe: 3i Infrastructure plc Receives Binding Offer for its Stake In Valorem

2 minute read | October.09.2024

Français: Orrick conseille 3i Infrastructure plc sur l’offre engageante d’AIP Management P/S, IDIA, Crédit Agricole et Bpifrance relative à la cession de sa participation dans Valorem

3i Infrastructure plc has received a binding offer from funds managed by AIP Management P/S and other co-investors for its roughly 33% stake in Valorem, a leading independent European renewable energy developer and power producer. 

Orrick advised 3i Infrastructure.

The transaction is expected to be completed in Q1 2025 subject to acceptance of the offer following consultation with Valorem employee representative bodies and regulatory clearances.


Since the time of 3i Infrastructure’s initial investment in 2016 (on which Orrick advised 3i Infrastructure), Valorem’s business has transformed from an asset developer to one of the leading independent renewable power producers in Europe. 

Valorem has also expanded its focus from French onshore wind generation to include solar and hydro generation across France, Finland, Greece and Poland. 

Since 2016, Valorem’s operational asset base has grown to over 850MW, a more than five-fold increase. Its development pipeline has grown to 6.6GW. During this time EBITDA also has more than quadrupled.


Valorem is well positioned for further growth supported by Europe’s energy transition, the ambition of European countries to grow their share of renewable power, as well as new growth opportunities such as battery storage to optimise power delivery. 


Patrick Tardivy advised 3i Infrastructure with support from Julien Beloeil.